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Warmly Academy

2 Plays to Retarget Website Visitors (with Jani Vrancsik)

2 Plays to Retarget Website Visitors (with Jani Vrancsik)

Learn 2 simple plays to engage with website visitors (including email copy and 12 follow-up ideas).

Visitors from your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) on your website are some of your hottest leads 🔥.

They’re already on your site to learn about you, see how you’re different, and determine if you can help them. This makes them a prime target for outreach.

It’s low-hanging fruit.

In this video with Jani and Brigi from Growth Today, we cover:

  • Crawl, walk, and run scenarios for engaging website visitors.
  • Email copy to get you started.
  • 12 follow-up templates to genuinely nurture and engage these leads.

Resources for you: