Warmly vs. Clearbit

Warmly gives you Clearbit data enrichment and replaces Clearbit Enrich, Reveal & Prospector products now lost after the HubSpot acquisition.

All of Drift’s features that Warmly has

Account & Lead Scoring
Custom Lead Filtering
Inbound Chat Routing
Live Chat Tool
Custom Chatbots
AI Powered Chatbots
Conversational Landing Pages
Data Enrichment
Firmographic Routing
Advanced Routing
Salesforce Multi-Owner Routing
Salesforce Flex Routing
Video Messaging
Basic Reporting
Pipeline & Revenue Reporting
Conversations & Conversion Reporting
SOC2 Type II

We threw in a few features of our own that Drift doesn’t offer

Contact Level De-Anonymization
Third Party Research Intent Signals
Job Change Tracking
LinkedIn Integration
Out-Of-The-Box Data Vendors (Clearbit, 6sense, Bombora)
Live Video Chat
Live Session Replays
Audible Alerts
AI Outbound Chat
Warm Intros
Auto Emailing (Outreach, SalesLoft, Apollo, Hubspot)

For more context, take a look at some of the comparable features offered by Warmly and Drift:

‎Inbound Chat Workflows + Front End Chatbot

Warmly's inbound chat workflows, are a cost-effective, SMB focused alternative to Drift's conversational marketing function. These chat workflows operate through a customer-led interaction with a chatbot, guiding them through personalized conversations based on their responses, much like navigating a "choose your own story" book. 

With Warmly, users can customize these workflows extensively, including tailoring messages, defining potential responses, and specifying outcomes. Additionally, Warmly enables personalized workflows by leveraging visitor de-anonymization, allowing businesses to automatically activate specific workflows based on various criteria such as demographic data, intent signals, CRM criteria, and traffic sources.

(Front End)




(Back End Workflows)




Segment Targeting

In addition to segmenting by CRM data, Warmly enables segment target by demographic factors such as age, gender, or location, as well as firmographic data like company size, industry, and employee count. Another way Warmly customers can do it is by website behavior, including visit frequency, duration, and specific pages visited. Plus, third-party intent data can be leveraged to target users based on their search queries or keyword topics of interest.




Warmly's reporting really focuses on chat interactions and user engagement, detailing metrics like total chats and conversations, distinguishing between bot and human interactions. It also tracks engagement levels and user behavior beyond chats, covering link clicks, meetings booked, and emails captured. This comprehensive approach aids in evaluating chat workflow effectiveness and its impact on website engagement and conversions.

In contrast, Drift focuses on capturing data from conversations and visitors through its playbooks, tracking initiated conversations and engaged visitors. Drift emphasizes ROI measurement by assessing chat interactions' impact on website performance and conversions.



What’s The Difference?

There is clear overlap between what Warmly and Drift do, and for some features it is an apples to apples comparison. But the nuances are important and our roadmaps are pointed towards slightly different end goals. Here are some of the big picture differences between the two:

AI When Possible, Human When Necessary

AI should save you time, not detract from your customers’ experience. Warmly uses AI to do the upfront work like engaging prospects and filtering based on ideal customer profile data. But we loop in a real life human to make the interaction feel, well, more human. The moment someone indicates they want to speak to a Warmply rep, the relevant SDR is alerted and can jump in. 

So you get something like this...

Warmly inbound chatbot

‎Compared to something like this...

Drift Inbound Chatbot

Contact Level Data Enrichment

On average, Warmly de-anonymizes 15% of the visitors to your website (and 65% of the companies). We’re talking contact level data — name, title, company, LinkedIn profile, and email as well as account information like ICP fit and buyer stage. Basically, we hand you the warm leads and customer support information that you would otherwise spend valuable time on hunting down manually. 

Contact over Company

Drift provides company level, not contact level data. While company level intent data is great, knowing which individual is on your site opens the door to deeper buyer intent understanding and targeted introductions (more on that later). 

Get Notified

Plus, Warmly notifies you when a key contact is on your website, giving you the opportunity to hop online and engage them in a person-to-person live chat.


Leverage Your Chatbot, LinkedIn, Email, and Salesloft

Our inbound workflows include personalized AI chat on your sales reps behalf (triggered when a site visitor meets your set segment filters) as well as automated outbound follow-up sequences via LinkedIn, Outreach, and Salesloft. This helps SMBs avoid the rock-and-a-hard-place scenario of being rich in data but lacking in the headcount needed to properly utilize it.

Warmly Segment Targeting

Drift Segment Targeting


Built and Priced For SMBs

Price is a major constraint for most SMBs; it’s hard to find a cool $30K laying around to invest in a new tool, no matter how beneficial it might be in the long run. And as is the case with warm intro follow-up, SMBs are likely to be strapped for headcount. 

Our most basic paid plan is $5K a year. Integrations are also a top priority, drastically reducing the orchestration work that goes into managing an influx of data. AI is leveraged to supplement for additional SDRs, amplifying the efforts of scrappy sales teams without sacrificing the personalization of human touch. 

Launch In A Day

The process of onboarding with Warmly takes just one day (compared to Drift’s 30 day set-up period). We just need you to: 

Add Script Tag

Firstly, integrating Warmly into your website is as simple as adding a script tag. This step enables communication between your site and the platform.

Define Your ICP

By setting up detailed personas and identifying target accounts within your CRM, you help Warmly focus on the prospects that align closely with your ideal customer criteria.

Warm Intros

Warmly partners with ConnectTheDots, providing an integration that takes your website visitor data and injects it with the most powerful prospecting fuel of all: genuine personalized connection. 

Leverage Your Teams' Networks

By connecting your teammates’ personal email and LinkedIn information, you can see which of your colleagues are linked to key decision makers on your target accounts. Plus, the feature takes the guesswork out of which of these to pursue — The relationship strength feature indicates which of the surfaced connections is the strongest. Just hit the “ask” button to ask for a warm intro.

Take The Work Out of Saying "Yes"

We also provide templates that let you ask for a warm intro without needing your mutual contact to do the work (kind of like when you have a professor or boss sign a letter of recommendation that you’ve written). 

We do the legwork so you just have to hit a button.

Don’t just take our word for it

We're clearly biased, so we're giving the floor to people who aren't.



Check out what customers are saying about Warmly…





...and which pain points Drift is not addressing.



Drift is undeniably a heavyweight in the chatbot space. But how does it compare to Warmly?

Ultimately, deciding between the two products depends on matching the right product to your existing tech stack and team capabilities. And for the average SMB, we think Warmly wins out on ROI.

To decide which option is best for you, here's a breakdown of how Warmly compares to Drift - including features, integrations, and price.

Warmly vs Drift: The Breakdown

Let's start by saying that Warmly offers almost identical features to Drift. Here's a summary of all those features:

The go-to-market space is clearly undergoing a transformation. What were once best-in-class tools are becoming all-in-one suites (ZoomInfo is a perfect example).

Then, there are the acquisitions. Salesloft bought Drift. Leadfeeder merged with Echobot to become Dealfront. And, of course, HubSpot acquired Clearbit.

Clearbit used to be a seriously compelling offering, for both SMBs and enterprise companies. Not only did it have some of the best quality B2B data coverage around, but it provided a tonne of flexibility in using that data effectively.

The HubSpot acquisition has resulted in some fundamental changes. What was once a first-class, comprehensive, SMB-friendly GTM tool is now practically an empty shell: a HubSpot-only add-on focused only on data enrichment.

Ultimately, if you’re not on HubSpot, Clearbit probably isn’t going to be a great solution for you going forward. Aside from the limited integration, Clearbit has lost a tonne of tools during the acquisition, like Clearbit Prospector and Clearbit Reveal—both of which were top solutions.

So, you need an alternative. And Warmly can effortlessly fill that gap.

We're not just talking about all the tools you get with Warmly that Clearbit no longer offers (website deanonymization, intent signal data, fully integrated prospecting solutions, etc.).

We've put flexibility at the heart of Warmly; with next-level integrations, integrating Warmly into your existing tech stack is effortless.

Our philosophy is revenue orchestration. Not just data enrichment. (But we do that really well, too.)

Warmly vs. Clearbit: The Breakdown

Here's a summary of how Warmly and Clearbit compare in terms of all the key features you expect from a sales orchestration platform.

Company Level De-Anonymization
Data Enrichment
Third-Party Research Intent Signals
Job Change Tracking
Out-Of-The-Box Data Vendors (Clearbit, 6sense, Bombora)e Chat Tool
Firmographic Routing
Form Shortening
Account & Lead Scoring
Custom Lead Filtering
LinkedIn Integration
Data Sync with Your CRM
HubSpot only
Integrations with Sales Engagement

But we also threw in a few features of our own that Clearbit doesn’t offer...

Contact Level De-Anonymization
Third Party Research Intent Signals
Inbound Chat Routing
Advanced Routing
Salesforce Multi-Owner Routing
Salesforce Flex Routing
Automated Account Multi-Threading
Live Session Replays
Auto Emailing (Outreach, SalesLoft, Apollo, Hubspot)
Warm Intros
Live Chat Tool
Custom Chatbots
AI-Powered Chatbots
AI Outbound Chat
Live Video Chat
Basic Reporting
Pipeline & Revenue Reporting
Conversations & Conversion Reporting
SOC2 Type II

Now, let's dive into exactly how these two solutions work, and why Warmly is the obvious choice for SMBs looking for a total sales orchestration package.

Warmly vs. Clearbit: The Summary

Clearbit has been around since 2015 and is known in the GTM game as one of the best B2B data providers. But it never really got to building out workflows or providing any actionable way for sales and marketing teams to use that data.

However, Clearbit was still a top-of-the-range GTM solution. The Clearbit Enrich API was super developer-friendly, allowing you to enrich any existing database or CRM (not just HubSpot). They also provided some great API documentation to help you get the most out of it.

Additionally, their Prospector tool was really valuable in that you could throw it a company domain, and it would spit out a full list of emails and firmographic details for the buying committee.

They also offered some great free GTM tools, like the TAM calculator and the Weekly Visitor Report, a basic and limited version of their Reveal product (website visitor identification), which were massively valuable for SMBs.

But everything about Clearbit has changed since it was acquired by HubSpot.


Clearbit Prospector has disappeared. So has Reveal. All of the free GTM tools have gone, or you must be a HubSpot customer to take advantage of them.

Not only have powerful tools been removed from the lineup, but their pricing has become seriously opaque—another factor that will put SMBs off.

On the other hand, Warmly is a purpose-built GTM tool for SMBs with all of the features that Clearbit lacks and even more powerful integrations.

If you were once an avid user of Clearbit's tools, then Warmly can accomplish everything Clearbit used to—and more.


Clearbit: Once Powerful, Now Sorely Lacking

Since the acquisition, Clearbit has been a shell of its former self. And, it's put HubSpot front and center. Even to get started with their free version (which is now extremely difficult to locate), you must connect your HubSpot account.

Clearbit Enrich is now the only advertised feature, and what was once a really clear and detailed pricing model is now hidden behind a sales demo.

In short, unless you’re using HubSpot and just need Clearbit to enrich your CRM, you’ll need to jump ship.

Given the number of tools that simply don't exist anymore, this is going to be a pretty short Clearbit feature summary.

Clearbit Reveal

Clearbit Reveal was a feature that allowed you to deanonymize website visitors. It would find and match a user’s IP address against a company name, so it could tell you, “Someone from [X Company] is on your website.”

Post-acquisition, that feature has gone. And with Clearbit Reveal gone, so too is the free Clearbit Weekly Visitor Report, which would give you ~30 deanonymized visitors a week for free.

Clearbit Prospector

Clearbit Prospector is another one of Clearbit’s solid features that appears to have now been discontinued.

What you could do with Prospector is give it a company domain and it would fire back a list of all contacts they have for that domain, plus the firmographic details that Clearbit Enrich provides.

Once again, though, that feature is out the window with the HubSpot acquisition.

Clearbit Enrich

Enrich is the only tool in Clearbit’s previous feature set still on offer. The caveat is that you now need to be a HubSpot user to take advantage of it.

This feature essentially enriches any B2B database you have (now only your HubSpot CRM) with lead, contact, and account data such as:

  • Headcount
  • Tech stack
  • Revenue
  • Buying committee contact info

Previously, you could plug Enrich into your CRM (HubSpot or not), and it would give you all the necessary information to target a specific account.

Clearbit Enrich still does this, but you need to be a HubSpot customer. It's basically become a CRM enrichment solution for the HubSpot CRM—not that handy for any teams that aren't using HubSpot.

Clearbit Summary: Seek Alternatives

Sure, HubSpot's acquisition of Clearbit brings some promise to existing HubSpot users. We should see Clearbit better integrated into the HubSpot sales and marketing tools, which provide the workflow tooling that Clearbit always missed out on.

Unfortunately, what it does mean is that for anyone not on HubSpot, Clearbit probably won't invest in ongoing development and support.

Warmly: The Comprehensive Clearbit Alternative

We built Warmly to be the only GTM tool you'll ever need to identify in-market buyers visiting your website, conduct personalized and signal-based outreach, and get qualified prospects speaking to your sales reps.

It's full revenue orchestration, across the entire buyer journey. From the moment a prospect lands on your website, to chatbot interactions, and outreach across multiple channels.

We leverage the best of machine solutions (analyzing and reacting to data in real time) and human solutions (engaging with leads and building relationships) and combine the two to create a fully integrated revenue orchestration solution.

So, while AI can handle qualifying people who land on your site and engage with them via chatbot, a real sales rep can take over at any time (and we provide alerts when prospects are hot, so your sales reps only spend their valuable time on the best opportunities.)

How do we do all of this? With powerful, best-in-class data integrations. One of these inputs is Clearbit—I'd be remiss if we didn’t mention that they have some seriously good contact data—but, crucially, it's not the only one.

We also pull in data from sources like 6sense and third-party buyer intent data from Bombora. We call this a data waterfall approach: integrating all possible signal data to give you improved accuracy and confidence in the quality of leads.

With better-quality lead data, you can orchestrate powerful omnichannel outreach campaigns that target the right buyer at the right time.


Website Visitor Deanonymization

Warmly's visitor deanonymization tool fills the gap left by Clearbit Reveal. Like Clearbit used to, we reveal 65% of companies that visit your website. But we also go a step further, providing contact-level data, not just company-level.

So, Warmly can reveal 15% of the actual people who are visiting your website—a far more valuable data point for your reps. With accurate, enriched, contact-level data synced to your CRM, you can immediately start developing outreach campaigns that go to the right people.


To help you reach out at the right time, you can assign specific sales reps to particular leads, based on demographic, firmographic, or third-party intent filters. Then, that sales rep will receive a Slack notification (plus a voice alert) when a prospect that matches filters arrives on your site, allowing you to engage directly.

Plus, we can direct you to the buying committee at each account. So, if a marketing manager lands on your site's pricing page, but our data suggests that X Sales Lead is actually the person you need to talk to, we'll tell you that.

Clearbit is one of the data sources we use to deanonymize website visitors, but we combine it with several other sources to corroborate and expand data availability (we call it our data waterfall approach—more on that below.)

Ultimately, deanonymization tools are just one part of a fully optimized sales process. Combining data from multiple sources allows us to be more confident in qualifying leads and enables your sales reps to concentrate their valuable time on only the best.

Warmly’s Data Waterfall

While there are a few things wrong with Clearbit's offering now, chief among these is their limited data points.

While their API might be super accurate in giving you account-level info on who is on your site—it offers over 100 B2B data points—these are all limited to company-level info.

In the age of the dark funnel, you must reach out as soon as someone is ready to buy. No waiting around and no wasting time on accounts that just aren't the right fit.

Unfortunately, doing so requires more data than your visitor's Facebook profile, their GitHub blog, and what tech their company is currently using.

While these data points can be relevant when qualifying prospects (Warmly integrates Clearbit data because we know it's valuable), ultimately, more signals = better selling.


So, Warmly integrates best-in-class data including website intent (from Bombora and 6sense), chatbot conversations, website visits, demographic data and firmographic data, email engagement, job change data, and existing CRM data to give you a full picture of each lead and how ready they are to buy.

We can plug into whatever CRM you’re using, including HubSpot and other popular options like Salesforce and Pipedrive, so you're not limited by your existing tech stack (something that can't be said for Clearbit now.)


Layering multiple data points like this from multiple vendors gives you greater accuracy and better coverage across intent signals. And, it means you don't have to fork out on multiple tools to access all the data that might be available—Warmly gives you it all in one package.

AI Prospector

Warmly takes a more action-based approach to prospecting, combining the innate power of AI with your human sales reps to make prospecting more efficient and effective.

To start with, we've already enriched your CRM and sales engagement tools with best-in-class company, contact, and intent data. We’ve revealed your website visitors (at the company and contact level) and synced them back to your tech stack as well.

Now, it's time to take action on sales workflows with our AI prospector. AI Prospector works across two channels—email and LinkedIn—so you can create truly omnichannel campaigns, finding buyers exactly where they currently are and when they're ready to buy.

But we also know that personalization wins out over the sheer quantity of leads. So, we give you the option to manually configure outreach sequences based on segments and filters, allowing you to target specific opportunities.

Thanks to Warmly's extensive data waterfall solution, you always know that you're getting the right amount of data to qualify prospects naturally, whether you're using automation to create messages or want your sales reps to take over at any point.

AI Prospector for Email

Our automated email prospecting tool syncs with all of your typical email automation solutions: Outreach, Salesloft, Apollo, and HubSpot. No matter what you're using, it takes just a few clicks to integrate Warmly and start setting up automated email campaigns.

Warmly will naturally take all of those intent signals we've already mentioned and use them to target only the most relevant and high-intent contacts in your CRM.

With segmenting and filters, you can create different campaigns based on where your prospects are in their buying journey or on other information, such as demographic or firmographic data.

Our AI tool is contextually aware, meaning it gathers information from signals, previous conversations, your CRM, and contact and account-level data. It also knows if a contact is already in a sequence and avoids reaching out in a new campaign.


AI Prospector for LinkedIn

Selling today is about meeting buyers at multiple touchpoints. It's not enough to simply reach out by email—you should also target them on LinkedIn (and, though it may sound old-school, even pick up the phone now and again.)

To help you accomplish omnichannel outreach campaigns, Warmly also integrates with Salesflow to allow you to automate LinkedIn outreach.

Set up workflows directly within Warmly, targeting contacts by demographic and firmographic data, and then leave Salesflow to connect with relevant prospects and send outreach messages.


Chatbot Solutions

One thing that Clearbit never got to building out was a chat solution. But they integrated well with popular solutions like Drift, and obviously, now that they are part of HubSpot, they’ll obviously be using the existing tool there.

With Warmly, you get visitor deanonymization tools and outreach solutions as well as an integrated chatbot for your website.

Our chatbot offers three different solutions, which can all be tailored to specific segments of your ICP so that each prospect gets the right solution at the right moment.

With each option, you can set up Slack notifications for a sales rep, enabling them to take over in chat at any time.

Inbound Chat

Our Inbound Chat Workflows are personalizable, decision-tree-style workflows for low-intent leads, so your sales reps don't have to respond to every query.

The chatbot is customer-led, so customers have a few options for responses that guide them towards the actions you want them to take.


By tailoring different workflows to specific segments of your ICP, you can create unlimited options for your website visitors. And, as with all Warmly solutions, you'll get best-in-class intent data to help you categorize visitors and send them to the right options.

AI Chat

Our AI Chat solution is adaptive and contextually aware, consolidating signals across first- and third-party data sources to interact with your website visitors.

AI Chat emulates human speech, so most visitors won't even realize they're speaking to a chatbot.


Live Video Chat

With Warmly's live video chat, sales reps can jump on live calls with prospects when they're on your site—so you never miss the chance to engage with a high-intent lead.

With our 360-degree Prospect View, you can analyze which pages prospects are clicking on, and receive an intent score that tells you how warm that lead is.

Then, the next time the prospect is browsing your site, you'll get a Slack notification, allowing you to hop on a live video call in real time.

B2B selling today is about meeting the right buyer, at the right time, with the right messaging. And with Warmly's live video chat, you can do that.


Case study: How D2D Experts generated $80k in revenue in just 12 days with Warmly.

Warmly vs. Clearbit: FAQ

What does it cost?

Since HubSpot’s acquisition, Clearbit’s pricing model has become a bit murky. As of writing, there isn't any specific pricing info on their website.


That said, our previous intel tells us that Clearbit pricing is credit-based. Your plan gives you a number of credits to use (say, $275 for 1,000), and different actions you take in the platform use up various amounts of credits.

Warmly’s pricing structure is much more straightforward (and cost-effective for SMBs.)

We offer a free version (which you can get started with in minutes). A step up from that is the Startup plan, from $700 a month, followed by the Business plan at $1,200 a month. We also have an Enterprise plan, for which we’ll build you a custom pricing package.


Book a demo with a salesperson to learn more.

Can you try it for free?

Before HubSpot acquired Clearbit, their free plan was a core part of their offering. Now, it's hidden beneath the expensive, enterprise-level paid account options.

Clearbit's free GTM tools (the Weekly Visitor Report and the Total Addressable Market Calculator) have also disappeared from its lineup, which is a shame as they offered smaller sales teams accessible insights.

If you manage to find the information about the free version of Clearbit, you'll find that it doesn't offer great value.


Clearbit free users only have the option to see 50 website visitors—and only at the account level.

Warmly's free plan, on the other hand, offers teams a whole suite of features—and you can get started with it without speaking to a sales rep.

You can get up to 500 website visitors revealed and enriched per month (including contact and account-level data), plus access to Bombora intent signals—up to 10 a week—to help your sales teams qualify prospects more efficiently.


Get Warmly Today

Case study: How Inbox Pirates closed a 4-figure deal in just 2 weeks on Warmly’s free plan.

What segment of the market does it service?

Warmly is designed and built specifically to help small and medium-sized businesses access the kind of sales orchestration that enterprise organizations achieve. We bring you a huge variety of signals—more than Clearbit—across website visitor intelligence, contact-level data, intent signals, and job change data, then combine it with automation to make it easier for your sales reps to engage with the right people.

Clearbit has historically been a good option for mid-market and enterprise companies, particularly those with developer-heavy GTM teams motivated to plug a sales intelligence API into their own custom tech stack.

It simply doesn't make sense for SMBs to use Clearbit unless they're already using HubSpot and have a huge budget for their tech stack.

What does onboarding look like?

Onboarding time varies a lot based on factors like how engaged sales reps and customer support are, as well as the level of technicality and scale of your current tech stack features. For Clearbit, onboarding usually takes a few weeks.

At Warmly, we're a bit more agile than that—you can get started in just 20 minutes. The first step is simple: add a script tag to your website. Then, start revealing all those warm, juicy leads.


Case study: How Pump closed $20,000 in the first week with Warmly.

What integrations does the tool offer?

The obvious one for Clearbit is its integration with HubSpot. However, they also offer some great integrations with B2B software platforms like Segment, Marketo, and Slack.

Warmly integrates with a wide variety of solutions, from sales engagement platforms like Outreach and Salesloft to CRM tools like Salesforce and HubSpot, as well as the likes of Slack and LinkedIn.


What kind of ROI can you expect?

Clearbit doesn’t really share any data as the kind of return on investment you can expect from them.

While the ROI you’ll see from Warmly can vary based on your specific use case, we can share that we’ve had customers become ROI-positive in a matter of months (and often just weeks).

Case study: How Arc Hit 200% ROI Within 6 Months of Deployment.

Warmly: The Revenue Orchestration Platform for SMBs

Data consolidation is of vital importance for SMBs. You just can't have multiple solutions when one could do the same thing.

And when that one solution allows you total flexibility and demand capture opportunities across the entire sales funnel? Well, even better.

Warmly and Clearbit may offer overlapping features and shared use cases, but ultimately, after its acquisition, Clearbit just isn't an appealing offer anymore.

Conversely, Warmly is a purpose-built revenue orchestration platform for SMBs. We give you best-in-class data across infinite signals and combine it with automation possibilities to help your sales teams sell better.

Want to give it a try? Get started using Warmly for free today.

Or, book a demo with one of our sales reps to see exactly how it compares to the Clearbit you know (or the Clearbit you used to know.)